Wireless Technology Training, Mobile Apps Development Training, Android Apps Development Training   

Environment : How We Do ?

Our approach to environment is to develop, run and enable environmentally sustainable business, by :

    We use CFL's to light our office
    We use common printer to reduce warming
    We distribute training material in softcopy format
    We distribute prospectus & training brochure in softcopy format at Nexg | Skills
    We use minimum numbers of Air-conditioning equioments
    Keep our Refregiration units of pantry closed on weekends
    Intimate our associates time-to-time to avoid wastage of papers and casual printings
    Do not print emails
    Plant a tree for every admission at Nexg | Skills
    Keep our PC's, Monitors, Servers, UPS shut after office hours

how can we become CO2 neutral website ?

    Websites are going green - and online shoppers likes it !
    When people visit a websites, carbon (CO2) is emitted, due to the electricity consumption.
    More than 900 websites globally have now joined the initiative "CO2 neutral websites".
    All sites are CO2 neutralized by setting up new windmills and other climate friendly actions.

We think you should consider this initiative, as it gives you several benefits besides the positive climate contribution :

    Certified icon for your website (several studies shows that consumers prefer green sites)
    Links to your website from network of green sites (this will increase you web traffic)
    Free tools to optimize your site (this might save you money)